Woodlands Elite Dental Partners

Sedation Dentistry

Advanced General & Cosmetic Dentistry located in The Woodlands, TX

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry services offered in The Woodlands, TX

Do you avoid dental care because of fear or anxiety? Arthur J. Johnson, DDS, Maria G. Liñan, DDS, and the staff at Woodlands Elite Dental Partners in The Woodlands, Texas, want to make you feel confident and comfortable while under their care. Fear and anxiety about dentists and dental procedures affect 36 percent of the population. 12 percent of adults report extreme fear of dentists and dental procedures. For worry-free dental care, call Woodlands Elite Dental Partners to book your appointment or use the online scheduling option.

Sedation Dentistry Q&A

What is sedation dentistry?

If you experience anxiety or fear when you go to the dentist, sedation dentistry is a great option to help you stay comfortable. 

Woodlands Elite Dental Partners offers various sedation dentistry options to help you relax and experience anxiety-free dental visits. Sedation levels range from light or minimal to deep sedation and general anesthesia. Your provider customizes your sedation to meet your specific needs. 

What sedation options are available?

You can access various sedation options at Woodlands Elite Dental Partners, including:

Nitrous oxide

Inhaling nitrous oxide makes you feel calmer during your dental procedure. While your dentist works in your mouth, you’ll stay awake and swallow on your own. While you’ll still be able to respond to questions and instructions from the dentist, you’ll be less aware of what’s happening and may not remember what occurred when the appointment is over.

IV sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation is used for deeper sedation. The dentists at Woodlands Elite Dental Partners are specially trained in administering IV sedation and tailor levels to meet your specific needs. IV sedation helps you relax during the procedure and minimizes any pain you may feel. Often called twilight sedation, you’re neither asleep nor fully awake during IV sedation.

Am I a good candidate for sedation dentistry?

To be considered for sedation dentistry, you must be in good health. The dentists at Woodlands Elite Dental Partners consider your medical history before providing you with sedation dentistry options. Sedation dentistry is beneficial if you:

  • Have very sensitive teeth
  • Have a strong gag reflex
  • Have a low tolerance for pain
  • Experience anxiety or fear during your dental appointments

Sedation dentistry is available for both you and your children.

Is sedation dentistry safe?

A few minimal side effects are associated with sedation dentistry, including dry mouth and drowsiness. However, sedation dentistry is safe when administered by a trained, qualified, and experienced dentist. The dentists at Woodlands Elite Dental Partners offer comprehensive consultation to determine the type and level of sedation that’s right for you. 

Schedule your consultation or book an appointment online to discuss your needs and sedation concerns with the skilled and compassionate dental team at Woodlands Elite Dental Partners.