Woodlands Elite Dental Partners


Advanced General & Cosmetic Dentistry located in The Woodlands, TX


Crowns services offered in The Woodlands, TX

If you need to replace missing teeth, dental crowns are a great option to consider. Arthur J. Johnson, DDS, Maria G. Liñan, DDS, and the team at Woodlands Elite Dental Partners in The Woodlands, Texas, perform hundreds of reconstructive dental procedures involving the installation of dental crowns every year. They provide dental crowns for replacing missing teeth or supporting teeth that have been severely weakened. Contact the office to book an appointment or use the online scheduling feature at your convenience.

Crowns Q&A

What is a dental crown?

Dental crowns are restorations that cover damaged teeth. Your provider designs the crown to mimic the shape and appearance of your natural tooth and places it directly over the tooth. Dental crowns are bonded to the natural tooth and completely cover the tooth to the gum line. The crown provides strength to the tooth underneath. It also helps to improve its appearance. 

Am I a good candidate for a dental crown?

There are various reasons why you may want to consider getting a dental crown. The dentists at Woodlands Elite Dental Partners may suggest getting a dental crown if:

  • You want to improve the appearance of your tooth 
  • Your tooth has been weakened severely by decay or a large filling
  • You’ve completed a root canal and need to protect the tooth 

You can discuss your needs and options with your dentist at Woodlands Elite Dental Partners and determine whether you’re a good candidate for a dental crown.

What are the benefits of dental crowns?

Dental crowns are a versatile restoration option. Woodlands Elite Dental Partners applies the highest quality dental crowns to achieve superior aesthetics and function. 

Dental crowns offer many benefits, including: 

  • Look and feel just like natural teeth 
  • Are low maintenance 
  • Help improve the appearance of your smile
  • Help maintain the structure of your jaw and face

Additionally, your new crowns give you a boost of confidence and a great reason to smile.

What can I eat after a dental crown is placed?

It’s important to give your crown some time to set before sinking your teeth into problematic foods. Avoid eating for at least an hour after the dentist places your crown. After that, you can proceed to eat soft foods, but you need to avoid hard foods like pretzels, peanut brittle, biscotti, and dense crackers for several days.

A new dental crown can take up to two weeks to fully settle. Talk to the dentists at Woodlands Elite Dental Partners for more guidance on how to care for your dental crown after placement. 

To schedule your appointment and learn more about crowns and how they can help restore your smile, book online at your convenience or call the office.